Ideal Feel, Beyond Real!

China Troop 7-A-Side Football Pitch Artificial Turf

Artificial grass for 7-a-side football pitch in China

Troop 7-A-Side Football Pitch - China

Customer Demands
  • Turf type: 4G
  • Blade shape: Stem
  • Safety: Anti-slip and shock absorbing
  • Low maintenance
  • UV resistance
  • Grass fiber: PE
  • Pile height: 30 mm
  • Density (needle/m2): 26250
  • DTEX: 14000
  • Materials. Yarns are 100% PE, and backings are PP + NET + SBR.
  • Natural grass appearance. We recommend stem blades. Our artificial grass is closer to the texture and color of natural grass, more realistic, and UV resistant.
  • Safety. We recommend high quality straight and curly yarns.
  • Lower maintenance. We recommend artificial turf that meets our client's requirements for longer service life and lower maintenance.
  • Sample service. We have a detailed turf solution and send samples to our client for evaluation.
  • Life-Time. 6–8 years.
Customer Comment

4G artificial grass with a unique stem blade design makes our 7-a-side football pitch look like a natural grass football pitch, which allows us to relax on the football pitch after completing a day of training. It gives us a better relaxing experience and saves a lot of maintenance costs for later use.

A lot of people on the 7-a-side football pitch

Side view of 7-a-side football pitch with artificial grass

7-a-side football pitch front view

Front view of 7-a-side football pitch with artificial grass